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June 2, 2015


... robert treated me to lunch at the villager, where in a remarkable display of boldness at trying new things, instead of turkey i opted for a sliced ham club sandwich ... truthfully, it's never too late to change one's habits ... after we ate i decided to take a little stroll around town ...

... in the small alcove behind the indian restaurant i came across this little fellow, a rather chilled columbia silk moth, hyalophora columbia ... once he warmed up in my hand he didn't want to let go of me, and it took a few minutes to gently persuade him to take up residence in a warm spot near the building foundation ...

... flowers, for some strange reason, i don't seem to have much interest in learning their given names ... perhaps it's because to my eyes they are as they must seem to a bee's nose, and, in any case, if i do get interested in their proper nomenclature i've a sister-in-law seems to know each and every one of them ...

... this leaf is leaning over a railing by the key bank on main street ... as i look at the image the fact of its location seems simultaneously irrelevant and relevant ... if you understand what i mean when i say that, then you understand a bit about me, too ...

... this guy was munching out on the fresh foliage along the railroad tracks ... that i could get so close is proof that in our evolutionary tree was a nuts and berries gathering ancestor who took one look at a creature such as this and surmised, "why spend all day finding enough plants to fill my belly when all i need do is toss a rock and i can spend the bulk of my afternoon sleeping away a big meal" ... the next genius, of course, was the person who discovered how remarkably improved rabbit supper was if it was first put in a fire ... after that, the following thousands and thousands of years of human pre-history and history is mere details ...

... the middle rail used to be held in place by these spikes, now it's just sitting loose between the two outer rails ... i'm not sure this is a good thing ...

... this brought me to pause ... that the ancient romans, in developing a particularly cruel torture device, and the phone company figuring a way to string telegraph wires, how both of them came up with the same design ... i wonder if there's meaning in this ...

... the second day of june, 50°f outside and the flowers don't want to unfold ...

... simple ... wonderful ...

... just outside the right side of the frame is a man who lives down along the river in a plastic tarp shelter ... i could've captured his foot in the image, but i thought that would be rude ... to me, on this day, the rain drops are soft beauty, to him there're reason to hang out downtown ... even as i was taking it, i wondered if he would like this picture ...

... i thought of children playing when i saw these ... i don't know why ...

"It is not that time passes us by,
it is that we do not pause to embrace it."

... my thanks to john, for reminding me that it's okay to take my camera and go for a little wanderabout in the rain ...