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November 29, 2013


... my apartment door is hidden out of view just to the left of the aluminum bordered black marque sign in the upper center of the photograph ... from where i stood to snap this picture, behind me the sidewalk is as clear of leaves as it is further down the length of main street ... for some areodynamic reason the leaves all congregate in front of my door ... after i took this i ran back and forth through the leaves a dozen times or so, scattering them until they were piled up agains the building and all over the road ... the next day the leaves had all gotten together and rearranged themselves back into a pile identical to the one shown here ...

...  it seems to me that the city workers always wait a few days before they come by during the dark of night and suck up the pile of leaves with their humongous drivable vacuum cleaner ... proof, i think, that there is poetry in their souls, too ...

... if you give it a chance, autumn will hold on a bit longer just for you ...