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July 12, 2014


... at four o'clock this morning sarah and gordy left for their wanderabout of the pacific northwest ... at five o'clock in the morning, apparently lonely, the dog and cat both climbed into bed with me ... the cat immediately curled up so that his thermonuclear body heat was cooking my—well, let's just say he was doing a fine job for planned parenthood ... the dog, as is his way, fell asleep with his butt in my face ... at six o'clock in the morning the dog and cat got into a fight ... (or they were playing, i can't tell the difference) ... (or possibly, since both of them seem to suffer a bit of identity confusion, they were engaged in some sort of weird multi-species foreplay ... they do that, too) ... i chased them away and resumed enjoying slumbering in sunroom/guestroom sarah and gordy just completed ... 

... when i awoke i wandered outside with my little point-and-shoot camera ...

... and, here's one i shot with my ipad mini and worked up in snapseed ...

... now, of course, i'm off for a little motorcycle ride ... my destination:  new england's best roast-beef-on-a-fresh-bagel sandwich ...

... the t-shirts are stenciled "life is good," but me, personally, i think it's great ...