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June 14, 2014


... actually, her name "suzanne rose groleau," and she's still my little sister ... i'm betting this an easter sunday outfit, so although via an inner passage "cruise" aboard an army troop ship and a train ride beneath the huge glaciers we arrived in alaska in 1958 (before it was a state, by the way) i know we arrived after that holiday so i'm pretty sure this was taken at the main gate to the air base during the spring of 1959 ...

... and, yes, this was the olden days when little girls were little girls and their moms knew how to dress them as such ... in our case, being as actual paper money was something quite scarce in our lives, this is an outfit cut and sewed by ma ... odd, only as i'm posting this, how i'm suddenly aware that one of ma's favorite "dress up" outfits was made from the same material as sue's jacket ... it wouldn't surprise me if i was to recall that the couch pillow slip covers were covered with it, too ... whatever yardage she cut off the bolt, ma never wasted an inch ...

... nowadays sue lives on the island of grand cayman {p.s. thanks to one of my fabulous readers, i'm working to fix this link ... should be done by tomorrow ... it's a great place to browse around, i recommend you give it a visit} ... in the british west indies ... i do not see her very often, which is a sad thing ... when i was down on the island i would drop in to her shop during the afternoon and we'd play several games of scrabble over tea and biscuits ... i miss her, but i always remind myself it's my good fortune i have her for a little sister ...