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August 29, 2012


... here's my ol' pa, "mr. frenchy," living his dream ... these were the years he "retired" to work in grand cayman, something he had hoped to do, i think, from when he first set foot on the island during world war two ... his house is just off the picture to the right of the cistern, so close to the water's edge that the front sliding porch doors had to be kept closed when the wind was pushing the sea onshore ... (it's gone now, completely erased by hurricane ivan) ... he kept his fish trap seventy feet or so out from the shore, wedged against a small outcropping of submerged iron shore ledge ... if it wasn't that he fed half of boddentown from that chickenwire and ironwood contraption, i know as a fact that anyone living on the manse road had only to ask. and, with his great smile included, their supper's main course was provided ...