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February 22, 2015


... part of a facebook "three works of art per day for five days" challenge, it's my thought to share this with the majority of you who do not hang out in social media ...

... in my grandpa's downstairs sitting room (bar), "the chief" (my grandpa), mr. tony paul (in the background), and mr. charlie oliver (with the cigar), would sit drinking and playing cards, all the while speaking french only ... during my childhood i thought, "schnapps, garçon," meant, "please, loving grandchild, more whiskey for all" ... it was years before i learned the literal translation ... this was taken handheld (from the rocking chair, as i recall) with a terribly soft vivitar 135mm wide-open at f/2.8 using ektachrome 160 film ... that's "i.s.o. 160" for all you modern types who whine, "my i.s.o. 32,000 digital images are too noisy" ...

... this was one of my first candid portraits of which i felt great pride i'd captured ...