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February 22, 2015


... another of the "three works of art per day for five days" challenge ... during the winter of 72-73, while stationed in denver for training at the 463 nuclear weapons tech school, during the weekends when i had time free of my classroom and leadership duties i'd wander the streets, ten-dollar weekly allowance in my pocket and trusty nikkormat ftn hanging from my neck ... i snapped the picture of the little boy while riding the colfax street bus ... when i got off downtown i immediately saw the man sitting and realized how well the images would pair ... (odd, i still recall how i noticed the cab in the background and thought to wait until it was just beginning to leave the frame before pressing the shutter button) ... later, years, i think, i combined them in a frame for my brother ...

... upon seeing this, both beth and joy commented, "we thought the boy was you" ...

... interesting, i wonder if the mother of the little boy on the bus had to keep an eye on him, too, when there were railroad tracks around ...