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January 2, 2015


... NEWSFLASH ... john meader, astroknowledgeperson most extraordinaire, examined my snapshot of china lake and determined that, quite accidentally, i freely admit, i'd managed to also capture the image of comet lovejoy c/2014 q2 ...

... how exciting, that i've taken a picture of an object that may be a visitor from the mysterious region at the very edge of our solar system known as the oort cloud ... the last time lovejoy passed, our species was busy surviving an ice sheet that had enveloped most of the northern hemisphere ... i have to wonder, in the darkness of an arctic winter, did some nomadic fur-clad hunter pause for a moment to look up, notice this strange new light in the sky, and, just perhaps, develop thoughts he'd neither the language nor conceptual framework to articulate ... a fuzzy "what—why" that would slowly develop into the seed from which all human civilization would eventually grow ... ??? ...

... what great fun ... thank you, terry lovejoy, for keeping your eyes open, and, you, john, for taking us out to see ...