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January 14, 2015


... i've been on the road for a week ... after a nice little vacation with my mike and beth in rhode island, i enjoyed a short stay at sara and gordy's in new hampshire ... on sunday night i was allowed to take part in their annual "golden globes" viewing ... it was all lost on me, since i've pretty much no idea what is going on with contemporary television and it seems i've somehow managed to avoid most of this year's "serious" movies ... from what i could see, the actual awards didn't quite match all of gordy and adrien's predictions ...

... for all of it, sara and winston, the new dog, seemed to appreciate just being totally laid back and relaxed ...

... the next day adrien and i took a little wander over to the "king arthur flour" company store in vermont ... the roads were snow and iced covered, so the choice of following the gps' directions, which included route 25a, turned out to be a rather poor decision ... at the store we enjoyed a nice lunch, sampled bread, and did a bit of shopping ... best coconut macaroons ever, that's my opinion ...

... on the way home we stopped in warren, new hampshire, to investigate the "only town with a real redstone rocket" ...

... a very interesting story, except the bit about how "president eisenhower wouldn't allow the huntsville crew to top the redstone with a second-stage booster so the united states could orbit a satellite before the [nasty ol'] russians because he didn't want the the first artificial satellite to go into orbit atop a military rocket" ... the truth is more that eisenhower knew if the u.s.s.r. first orbited a satellite that flew over the united states and we didn't complain, it would set the precedent that "space was free," thus negating any ideas the russians might get about protesting when we orbited our [spy] satellites over them ... it also set the stage for the big "race/competition" between us and them, something his beloved military-industrial-complex most greatly appreciated ...

... p.s. ... this odometer reading is significant because my chevy impala has the lowest per year mileage of any car i've ever owned ... !!! ... hmmmmm, i guess you might credit that to almost 40,000 miles of motorcycle riding in the past four years ...

... [sigh] ...