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January 23, 2015


... i went for a little drive, suffering using my car instead of my motorcycle, but reminding myself how lucky i am to have one of each ... i made a visit with c.j. ... he'd taken a picture out the window of his work area, "have you ever seen anything like that ... i've never seen a blue cloud like that before" ... i was so happy, that he'd seen, thought to record, and considered it important to share ... soon, i hope, he'll be a part of our random wanderabouting ... a long, long time ago, seemingly another universe sometimes easier to believe a product of our imaginations rather than accept as a reality integral to all we've become, c.j. and i were trusted to work on most seriously secret "special things" (link for those who haven't yet made a visit) ... here's c.j. leaving the underground lair where for a time he suffered a rather troglodyte existence ...

... after leaving mount vernon i wandered down towards augusta, stopping at the taylor pond outlet to enjoy the evening light ...

... at my feet, the mighty glaciated himalayas as from an orbiting space station ...

... i wonder, does the northernmost point of antarctica look like this ...

... hard to believe, but only a few days of below freezing temperature and this bubbling foam will be as solid as the overhanging ice ledge ...

... reflecting the sunlight, perhaps the most serendipitous of molecular chemistry's truths, that water is most dense at 39.2°f, while, unlike most molecules, it becomes 2/100ths less dense when it freezes ... if you think that to be an insignificant amount, remind yourself were it not the case most likely there would be no life on this planet ...

... but, of course, the water molecule does behave so, and, it seems, there are always some willing to quite joyously celebrate the fact ...

Beauty, like ice, our footing does betray;
Who can tread sure on the smooth, slippery way:
Pleased with the surface, we glide swiftly on,
And see the dangers that we cannot shun.